We live in a short-sighted generation. Just look at the signs—“Buy now,
pay later!”—to see that modern Americans are experts at mortgaging the future
to pay for the present. Unfortunately,
this attitude often spills over into the education of our children.
I have had many conversations with people about
homeschooling versus institutional schooling. A statement I often hear is,
“Well, Jimmy has been in Christian school all his life and he was a straight-A
student. He just graduated from high
school and he’s doing great!” I do not
doubt the fact that a person can be institutionally educated and still turn out
to be a well-functioning, not to mention godly, individual. But we must be careful to look not only at
the short-term results, but the long-term effects of institutionalization as
Not Much Difference
Many studies show that rates of cultural problems such as
divorce and immorality are virtually the same for the Christian community as
they are for the rest of society. If
Christian schools have been doing such a wonderful job of turning out godly
people, why the same rate of moral breakdown in the Christian community? I submit to you that it is part of the
long-term fruit of institutionalizing children.
When children are taken out of the home for significant periods of their
childhood, they grow up with limited ideas of how a godly home operates.
The prophet Samuel gives us an illustration of this
long-term cycle. Samuel was without a
doubt personally one of the most godly men in the Old Testament. He remained a faithful prophet of God to the
end of his life. But we find that he
evidently was a failure as a father. His
sons were wicked, accepting bribes and perverting justice. Why was he a poor father? What more godly atmosphere could you grow up in than the temple, among the priests?
No Examples
In the pages of I Samuel we find our answer. Samuel had no long-term example of a godly
father. Eli, though personally a good
man, did an extremely poor job of raising his sons. They were so wicked that the Bible says God
put them to death. So Samuel, growing up
at the temple, had no opportunity as a child to see how a godly father
operates. Small wonder that he had
trouble raising his own children.

So consider this: the local Christian school might provide
good academics. It might provide good
extra-curricular activities. It probably
provides godly teachers. It might even
provide socialization with Christian children.
But does the institutional environment of a school give your children a
daily, nitty-gritty, first-hand demonstration of how a godly family
God provided the family as the model educational
system. We only have to look at our
Christian culture to see the fruits of tampering with His plan.
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